English court jails policeman over insurance fraud

Thursday, July 1, 2010

A court in England, UK has jailed a policeman for ten months after he was convicted of defrauding his car insurance company.

Police Constable Simon Hood, 43, arranged for a friend who dealt in scrap metal to dispose of his Audi TT, then claimed it had been stolen.

Hood had been disappointed with the car’s value when he tried to sell it two years after its purchase in 2008. He arranged for friend Peter Marsh, 41, to drive the vehicle to his scrapyard in Great Yarmouth, Norfolk. Marsh then dismantled the vehicle with the intent of disposing of it, but parts were later found wrapped in bubblewrap at Ace Tyre and Exhaust Centre.

Marsh picked up the TT from outside nearby Gorleston police station. Records show mobile phone conversations between the conspirators that day in March, both before and after the vehicle was reported stolen. The pair denied wrongdoing but were convicted of conspiring to commit insurance fraud after trial.

The fraud was uncovered after Hood told former girlfriend Suzanne Coates of the scheme. It was alleged before Norwich Crown Court that he had confessed to her in an effort to resume their relationship. Coates said that after the pseudotheft, Hood told her “he didn’t want to look for it. He said it would be like looking for a needle in a haystack, which I thought was a bit strange.”

You knew throughout your career that policemen that get involved in serious dishonesty get sent to prison

Shortly afterwards Hood suggested they should become a couple once more, she said; she challenged his version of events regarding the car: “He said he did it but I couldn’t tell anyone. He said he did it with Peter. Peter had a key and took the car away and it was going to be taken to bits and got rid of so it was never found.”

Hood was defended by Michael Clare and Marsh by Richard Potts. Both lawyers told the court that their clients had already suffered as a result of the action in mitigation before sentencing. Clare said Hood had resigned from the police after fifteen years of otherwise good service and risked losing his pension. “It is not a case where his position as a police officer was used in order to facilitate the fraud,” he pointed out. “His career is in ruins.” Hood is now pursuing a career in plumbing.

Potts defended Marsh by saying that he, too, had already suffered from his actions. His own insurers are refusing to renew their contract with him when it expires and his bank withdrew its overdraft facility. His business employs 21 people and Potts cited Marsh’s sponsorship of Great Yarmouth In Bloom as amongst evidence he supported his local community.

Judge Alasdair Darroch told Marsh that he did accept the man was attempting to help his friend. He sentenced Marsh to six months imprisonment, suspended for two years and ordered to carry out 250 hours of community service. He was more critical of Hood:

“As a police officer you know the highest possible standards are demanded by the public. You have let down the force. You knew throughout your career that policemen that get involved in serious dishonesty get sent to prison.”

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Wikinews interviews Kristian Hanson, producer-director of indie horror film ‘Sledge’

Thursday, October 23, 2014

Just days away from Halloween, Wikinews interviewed Kristian Hanson, producer-director of independent slasher film Sledge. The film has been a recent source of discussion in horror fan circles, primarily due to its production budget of only US$800. Sledge is Hanson’s fourth film to direct, according to Internet Movie Database.

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NFL Playoffs: Cardinals thrill Packers in overtime

Monday, January 11, 2010

Arizona Cardinals 51 45 Green Bay Packers

After a very close offensive battle throughout the game, the Arizona Cardinals defeated the Green Bay Packers 51-45 in an overtime thriller today in the wild card round of the NFL Playoffs. The game was won after Green Bay quarterback Aaron Rodgers fumbled the ball during overtime, resulting in Arizona’s Karlos Dansby recovering the ball and returning it for a touchdown, giving the Cardinals the sudden death victory. Arizona coach Ken Whisenhunt called the contest “…Probably one of the best games ever played in the playoffs”, while Green Bay coach Mike McCarthy said that it was “The toughest loss I’ve ever been a part of.” Both team’s strong offenses were evident throughout the entire game. The two team’s offensive totals combined to reach a massive 1,024 yards, with the Cardinals gaining 531 and the Packers 493.

In the first quarter, the Cardinals got out to a quick start, when cornerback Dominique Rodgers-Cromartie intercepted an errant Rodgers throw and returned it for a touchdown. On Green Bay’s very next possession, wide receiver Donald Driver fumbled, setting up another quick Arizona touchdown and making the score 14-0 in favor of the Cardinals. An Arizona field goal by Neil Rackers made it a 17-0 lead at the end of the first quarter.

The Packers began to show some of their offensive firepower in the second quarter. To start the quarter, Rodgers led the team down the field in a 52-yard drive that lead to a Rodgers sneak at the goal line to give the Packers their first points of the game. However, the Cardinals quickly countered with a scoring drive of their own, capped off by a 15-yard passing touchdown from quarterback Kurt Warner to receiver Early Doucet. At the end of the half, Green Bay kicked a field goal to cut into the deficit which was still quite large, a 24-10 halftime edge for Arizona.

Warner and Rodgers both showed explosive passing throughout the next half. In the third, both quarterbacks threw two touchdown passes to make the score 38-24, the Cardinals still holding the edge. Green Bay began to mount their comeback in the fourth quarter. They began with two touchdowns, tying the game at 38. Warner again countered with another passing score for Arizona, giving them a one touchdown edge with under 3 minutes to play. Then, Rodgers led the Packers in a quick drive, scoring and tying the game at 45 all. The match now had to be decided in overtime.

Green Bay won the overtime coin toss, giving them the advantage of having the ball first in the sudden death period. However, the key mistake of the game came here. On the Packers’ third play, Aaron Rodgers fumbled, creating a Karlos Dansby recovery which he returned for a touchdown, ending the offensive shootout with a final score of 51-45.

After the win, Arizona is now focused on advancing further in the playoffs, as well as rumors on Warner’s possible retirement. “I don’t think you every want to stay too long, but you never want to go out before it’s time,” said Warner. “The hard part is trying to figure that out, but right now it’s about another playoff game. It’s about New Orleans and then we’ll go from there.”

The Cardinals play the New Orleans Saints in next week’s divisional round.

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All Hail The Prep Sport Stat Master

Submitted by: Dennis Jarvis

It’s okay…you don’t have to bow. The StatMaster is just an integral part of what makes PrepSportFantasy.com and the Fantasy Leagues work. That’s all. That’s all? We think it’s pretty important so let take a look at what exactly a StatMaster is and how you can become one.

The whole world of Prep Sport Fantasy Leagues revolves around stats – high school sport statistics entered into the system from various sources. You can’t play the game without this information and you definitely can’t win! So the statistics are pretty important. So where do we get them from? We have secret cameras operating at every game tucked into the mascot’s costumes. Okay…maybe that’s a stretch but those mascots are shady…who knows what they’re capable of. The answer is actually a little simpler than that. The majority of the stats come from the community…that’s you by the way.

How we get the prep sport stats


Players are able to enter information on their own sport stats directly into the system once they’ve set up a player profile account (which is very easy and very free). There are safeguards so that they enter the correct information but it doesn’t really help them to pad their stats since it will get them kicked out of fantasy leagues and their status goes way down when hit the local Long John Silvers. Hush Puppies…..yum. That’s just one source of the stats needed.

We also enter stats on our side to provide a base of sports stats for the system. We have an entire building of crazed temps just pounding keyboards as fast as you make that game winning shot or 80 yard run back. Actually, there’s a few of them and mainly they sit around discussing their favorite Call of Duty maps but the stats are getting in on the back end. We’ll be ramping this source of stats up as we go along.

Finally, there’s the dreaded StatMaster. Feared by men, loved by women, and generally ignored by dogs and cats. The StatMaster can be a player or fan. They just need the corresponding Player Account or Fan Account. They will have be able to add players, remove players, and edit stats for any player in their school and or league depending on the level of authority they have. These are the people who make it happen. They may be coaches, assistant coaches, the person in charge of sports for the yearbook, or just a really die hard fan. Essentially they have the ability to add stats for other players that haven’t added info themselves. Of course, their info can be contested as well if they make mistakes or if they are not fast enough adding the information.

Prep Sport Stat Hierarchy

Typically, there is one Statmaster per school and there is a hierarchy involved. For example, if a player enters stats, that will generally override anything maintained by the School StatMaster. If the School StatMaster adds stats, that will override authority of the League StatMaster. Basically, it goes from small to big in terms of who has priority for stats.

So were looking for a few good prep sport StatMasters out there. We enter more stats before 6am than most people do all day. Okay, that was lame but you get the picture.

About the Author: Dennis Jarvis writes about the world of

Prep Sports


high school sports

such as football, basketball, and baseball.



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Polish exercise book advertisement copies Wikipedia content, violates copyright

This article mentions the Wikimedia Foundation, one of its projects, or people related to it. Wikinews is a project of the Wikimedia Foundation.

Friday, October 24, 2008

On August 21, the Polish weekly Przekrój published an advertisement for Dan-Mark exercise books, bearing the logo of 4fun.tv, a Polish music/interactive TV station. Part of the advertisement contained a definition of the word “exercise book”. The wording looked familiar, and Wikinews consulted Wikipedia, the collaborative online encyclopedia.

Upon seeing the Wikipedia definition, it appeared that the entry quoted in the promotional material was identical to the initial two paragraphs of the relevant Wikipedia entry.

Freelance reporters for the Polish Wikinews decided to find out the reason for such a similarity and whether either of the texts (the advertisement’s or Wikipedia’s) might be a case of copyright violation.

The reporters contacted a Jaros?aw Janas, Creative Director of 4fun.tv., where the ad appeared. His reply included the following claim:

The text of the definition has been taken from an encyclopedic publication which is older than 50 years and therefore not subject to copyright protection. The fact of coincidental similarity cannot be considered equal to plagiarism, because as we all know Wikipedia is a place which publishes texts and definitions that have already existed in different forms in other publications released before.

Copyright on text does not last for fifty years as claimed by Janas, but for 70 years after the death of the author.

To investigate the authenticity of the above claims, Wikinews asked the main author of the two paragraphs in question, Wikipedian Julo, about the sources used to write the entry. He confirmed that he had written the text in question, and not copied it from an encyclopedic publication as claimed by Jana.

It is therefore impossible that both Julo and the people responsible for the exercise book advertisement have used the same uncopyrighted encyclopedia, thus coincidentally creating identical texts. The reporters also noted that the first draft of the introduction to the article was written by WaldemarWolskiHuta (February 2006). Afterward the text had undergone some modifications by Julo (September 2006), as well as Picus viridis and Beno (March 2008). However, the text presented in the press promotional material, which – according to 4fun.tv – came from an old-print encyclopedia is identical to the Wikipedia entry after the changes mentioned above had been made. Julo added that he was still alive, together with the other authors of the article in question who constituted the group of the copyright co-holders. This naturally led to a conclusion that neither 50 nor 70 years could have passed since their death. He left 4fun.tv’s actions with a comment that although the contents he and the other Wikimedians had made public and free, they are far from making them available in any “free style”, but under a specified license.

In follow up messages to Jaros?aw Janas, Wikinews reporters confronted the creative director over his seemingly inaccurate claims.

Wikinews was told in a reply that 4fun.tv would ignore the claims unless they see permission from the author of the original content to investigate this story. They were also informed that further e-mails without any specifics sent by the reporter would be qualified as spam. 4fun.tv’s creative director further added that he found the reporter’s picture on the Internet and asked how the person would feel if this picture was to appear on billboards or press releases that advertised the TV station.

Wikipedia does allow copying of its content under certain conditions. The encyclopedia’s content is released under the GNU Free Documentation License, which means that it can be copied, modified, and used commercially and non-commercially – under the conditions that the license’s text is included with the copied content and the five main authors are mentioned. If a part of the article is used, like in the example quoted in this news story, a “right to quote”, recognized by Polish law, may be used. In such a case it suffices to mention the source of the text (Polish Wikipedia) and the author of the excerpt. 4fun.tv met none of these conditions, meaning that copyright has been violated.

Over a year ago Polish Wikinews reported on a similar problem, regarding the use of free-licensed photographs. Since that time such “borrowings” have become less frequent, however photos are still being used in discordance with the license. Journalists have gotten used to citing sources, e.g. Wikipedia, although licensing conditions require attributing the actual author, not the source. So instead of attributing John Doe for his contribution, agencies like Polska Agencja Prasowa (Polish Press Agency) are attributing the source, Wikipedia.

In early September 2008 a similar situation occurred in relation to the Polish edition of Wiktionary. Gazeta Wyborcza, a Polish daily, published an IKEA advertisement, on the opening page of which an almost word-for-word Wiktionary entry was placed; additionally the advertisement used the characteristic MediaWiki layout. The reference to the external source used was missing.

In April 2008, an example of an Australian professor was cited; the scientist, in a reply to a news story, quoted a Wikipedia definition almost word-for-word. The same professor condemned the use of Wikipedia in his previous press appearances.

In 2005 Wikipedia material was discovered in the German weekly magazine Der Spiegel, which acknowledged its fault and published appropriate apologies in place of the article in the online edition.

Frontline magazine in 2007 was found using an image from Wikipedia without proper credit. When pointed out the magazine acknowledged the failing and a correction was promptly given in the subsequent issue.

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You Can Get Turbo Fire Results Quickly

Submitted by: Michal Knoller

YES!! Turbo Fire Results is everything you re expecting. With all its jumping and kicking, you ll get a real Intense Cardio Conditioning.

There are so many new exercise programs out all the time but this one really stands out. It s a full exercise program. Each day is different. The HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training) program gives you a choice of 3 different level schedules. The difficulty increases as you build up your strength and stamina as you do a turbo fire results workout.

The music is hot. A lot of familiar tracks: Salt ‘N Pepa’s “Push It,” “Get Down on It” (Hall and Oates??), “Play that Funky Music” (Wild Cherry), Duice’s “Dazzey Dukes”, “Le Freak” by Chic, “Rapper’s Delight” by the Sugarhill Gang, Donna Summer’s “Bad Girls”, “Give Up the Funk” by Parliment Funkadelic, Flo Rida’s “In the Ayer”, some bootleg version of Tina Turner’s “Proud Mary” (plays during a HIIT while performing a hilarious move called “The Tina”) and lots more. Just dance away while you get turbo fire results.

What is Turbo Fire?


The way the program was filmed makes you feel like you’re right in the middle of a class with tons of other people. Imagine an exercise program that is so much fun and upbeat that you barely notice you re working out – Chalene is a great motivator. You will sweat and be out of breath but probably smiling.

The HIIT classes are done in intervals: 30-60 sec of intense exercise alternating with 30-60 sec of recovery time depending on the class. For example, HIIT 15 is 30 sec of exercise and 30 sec of recovery while HIIT 20 increases to 45 sec intervals, and so on

You just jump in and go, go, go. In no time you ll reap turbo fire results.

The DVDs will make you workout muscles that you have never used before!!

What s in the Turbo Fire package?

Turbo Fire results workout includes 12 workouts on 10 DVD’s, the 5-day inferno plan, fitness guide, lower body band, tape measure, nutrition guide, and 3 different workout schedules, one is the normal schedule, one is a “prep” schedule(in case you’re not sure if you are ready for the normal workouts) and one is a “turbofire & chalean extreme hybrid” schedule. That is how you get turbo fire results.

The choreography is fun, and you will burn a ton of calories in a short time period.

If you are looking for a workout that is fun, challenging yet doable, then this is it!

Since this is so intense, I would strongly advise getting the ok from your doctor before starting this system! You need to make sure that you are healthy enough to do this. People with high blood pressure, joint issues need to proceed with caution.

For more info and to see the program in action, click on Turbo Fire Results now.

I ve done this program and am so excited about how easy it is and how well it works. You don t come out of the workout tired You come out refreshed and wanting more and more.

About the Author: Michal is a Personal trainer




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Category:July 27, 2010

? July 26, 2010
July 28, 2010 ?
July 27

Pages in category “July 27, 2010”

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Texting While Driving

Submitted by: Brenda Williams

Isn’t technology a wonderful thing? Now instead of having to fish around in my pocket for loose change, I can simply whip out my trusty old cell phone and speed dial my favorite friends and family members. Cell phones nowadays also come with a lot of neat features- the most used one perhaps being a little thing called text messaging. Text messaging is convenient in a lot of ways because let’s face it- sometimes we want to send a little message to our friends or family without really getting into it in a phone conversation. The perfect example of this is when you are walking by a store that you know your best friend loves. Instead of calling her up to say I’m walking by that store you like, and it reminded me of you… you can simply text it to her or him.

Text messaging isn’t all that it’s cracked up to be, however. As recently as a few years ago when I was in college, I distinctly remember sitting in class taking a test when out of the corner of my eye, I noticed that another girls kept fidgeting with her phone. I later found out that she was receiving text messages from someone else in which she was getting answers to the test! Today, before you walk into a college class room, professors will explicitly state that there is to be no cell phone use and in some cases, professors will make you turn your cell phone off. In one or two instances, I have known professors to ask repeat cell phone offenders to exit the classroom after the first or second interruption.


When you go to a movie theater, one of the biggest things that they ask of you is to turn off or silence all cell phones and pagers. Face it, no one wants to hear it! Movie theaters are really cracking down on cell phone usage because even when you open your phone up, the light from the screen is distracting to someone else sitting beside or behind you in a dark theater. Think about it!

Perhaps the worst case of text messaging to date, however, is texting while driving. There are no words to really explain to you the seriousness of just how dangerous this is. Not only are you putting yourself in danger, but you are also putting other drivers and pedestrians around you in danger. It is for this very reason that so many states are banning cell phone use while driving all together! If we hear our phone beep or ring while we are driving, naturally, we want to see who is calling us. So, in order to prevent this natural curiosity, it is best to turn the cell phone off. When you are text messaging someone, you are forced to look at your cell phone in order to punch in the appropriate button response. This means that a significant amount of your attention is taken from the road and placed in your lap or hand.

About the Author:

Chicago Auto TransportCar Shipping Chicago



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