Asian Body Building: A Rising Trend

Asian Body Building: The Quest for Strength and Definition

Today, we take a close look at a phenomenon that has been trending in the East – the increasing interest in bodybuilding and fitness among Asians. For a long time, fitness, and especially bodybuilding, have been seen as predominantly Western inclinations. However, the perception is changing rapidly, and today, Asia is witnessing an unprecedented rise in bodybuilding enthusiasts.

When we speak of ‘Asian Bodybuilders,’ we refer to an increasingly growing community of fitness enthusiasts who are breaking stereotypes and old cultural norms. These are individuals who go beyond simply maintaining a fit, athletic physique to sculpting their bodies to perfection. Notable names in the Asian bodybuilding circuit like Zhang Kong, Roelly Winklaar, and Hidetada Yamagishi have been gaining international recognition, inspiring many more Asians to take up bodybuilding.

But the journey of an Asian bodybuilder is not all rosy. They face unique challenges due to their genetics, diet, and societal expectations. The Asian body structure, which generally tends to be shorter and leaner, is traditionally not typically associated with bodybuilding. Furthermore, the Asian diet, rich in carbohydrates, might not initially be conducive to bodybuilding, which requires a high protein intake.

Yet, despite such challenges, the Asian bodybuilding community seems undeterred. They use the same determination and discipline that have defined Asian cultures for eons to overcome these impediments, proving that with hard work, consistent training, and strategic nutrition, anyone can achieve their bodybuilding goals.

An important aspect to touch upon in this context is the role of supplements in bodybuilding – specifically, the emergence of SARMs. SARMs results have been game-changing in the field of bodybuilding. Short for Selective Androgen Receptor Modulators, SARMs are performance-enhancing agents that stimulate anabolism (the construction of tissues), which helps in the muscle-building process.

By selectively targeting androgen receptors, SARMs have shown great potential in enhancing muscle mass, reducing fat, and improving athletic performance. What makes it even more appealing is its lesser side effects compared to traditional steroids. They are instrumental in quick recovery and maintaining a lean body mass, which is essential for bodybuilders, particularly those participating in competitive events.

Bodybuilding in Asia, as anywhere else, is not merely about looking good. It’s a way to build self-esteem, enhance discipline, and foster a sense of accomplishment. It represents a vanguard of evolving lifestyles and attitudes in Asia, breaking stereotypes on multiple fronts while empowering individuals to redefine their physique on their terms.

The Asian bodybuilding community is still in its nascent phase compared to its Western counterparts. However, with an unwavering commitment to fitness goals, an increasing recognition at global platforms, and the intelligent use of performance enhancements such as SARMs, the future of Asian bodybuilding seems bright and promising. They are undeniably emerging on the world map, contributing to the global bodybuilding narrative, and shaping the future of the sport in myriad ways.

Empowering Women: Insights On Women On Steroids

In today’s world, women are continuously pushing the boundaries in various fields, including sports and fitness. One controversial topic that often arises in these areas is the use of steroids. Though commonly associated with male athletes, women on steroids is a pertinent conversation that demands attention.

Steroids, in a broader sense, refer to a range of drugs that mimic the effects of testosterone, a hormone typically found in higher amounts in men. These performance-enhancing drugs have found their way into the gym bags of many athletes worldwide, irrespective of gender, in pursuit of athletic and aesthetic goals. The effects of steroids on women, however, are significantly different from their effects on men due to fundamental physiological differences.

sarms results online has given us a plethora of data and personal accounts that help pinpoint these effects. Selective androgen receptor modulators (SARMs) are a class of therapeutic compounds, much like anabolic steroids, but with an advantage – they have selective anabolic effects and reduced side effects.

Despite the potential advantages of SARMs, the effects of steroid use among women often tend to be more drastic and damaging than those seen in their male counterparts. This is primarily due to the differences in hormonal balance and physiological makeup between the sexes.

One of the most common side effects of steroids in women is a condition known as virilization. This involves the development of masculine features like deepening of the voice, excessive hair growth, acne, increase in muscle mass, and even changes in menstrual cycles. This masculinization effect of steroids can lead to mental distress and negative self-image issues among women. Another potential risk of women on steroids is an increased likelihood of cardiovascular events and liver disease.

The decision to use steroids, therefore, is not one to be considered lightly, and the user must thoroughly evaluate the potential risks associated with their use. It’s crucial to gain adequate knowledge about the drug, its effects, dosage, cycle, and side effects before deciding to leap into the world of performance-enhancing drugs. Many online resources, including sarms results online, offer copious amounts of research and information to aid in this process.

Though the prospects of accelerated muscle growth and improved athletic performance may be enticing, it is vital to remember that these results are achievable through natural methods like proper diet, training, and rest. Women do not need steroids to be powerful, capable, or to achieve their fitness or athletic goals. Empowerment comes from within and not from a substance.

The use of steroids might indeed offer faster results, but nothing can replace the joy and satisfaction of achieving goals through hard work and perseverance. Therefore, while the conversation around women on steroids continues, it is essential to promote and encourage natural and healthy methods to achieve fitness and athletic goals.

Women continue to break barriers, and whether they decide to use aids like steroids or not, it’s crucial to ensure that the decision is made with comprehensive understanding and precautions. After all, fitness and health should not come at the cost of overall health and wellbeing.

Play N Party Drug: Crystal Meth

By Steve Clark

Crystal meth is an intensive stimulant with disinhibitory qualities. Crystal meth is one street form of the drug, methamphetamine hydrochloride, which comes in clear, chunky crystals, which are then inhaled or smoked. It can be easily produced in small, clandestine labs, sometimes in a kitchen or bathroom, by mixing a cocktail of about 15 substances, mostly pseudoephedrine (a cold remedy), red phosphorous and iodine, but also including ammonia, paint thinner, ether, Drano and the lithium from batteries. This has made crystal meth a widespread problem in the United States and many people have found themselves addicted to this powerful drug.

It is known by many names such as “ice,” “speed,” “meth,” “crank,” “glass,” and others but often has the same disastrous results on the individual taking the drug. It is a white powder that tastes bitter but is odorless in its powdered form. The drug can be snorted, smoked, injected or swallowed to deliver the high.

According to mental health workers, police and research scientists, the people who use crystal meth include:

Large numbers of rural and small town poor across North America. Some young people in the rave and dance scene. Some young people who want to lose weight. Gay males involved in the dance scene or who frequent bathhouses.

Addiction experts say crystal meth first became popular in poor areas of rural North America for a number of reasons. It was a cheap high and, in initial stages of use, it actually gave the energy that allowed the user to keep working. It was also considered “cool” by young people who did not have big-city connections to other street drugs.

A recent Statistics Canada survey of teenagers showed that among those who answered questions about drug use:


34 per cent had tried marijuana. 4 per cent had used ecstasy. 3 per cent had used crack cocaine. 2 per cent had used crystal meth. 1 per cent had used heroin.

Effects of Crystal Meth

Crystal meth is an amphetamine drug that both stimulates and disinhibits, and like all amphetamines it can increase your heart rate, increase your blood pressure, raise your body temperature and cause seizures. Viagra dilates your blood vessels, and the overall stress on your heart from combining these drugs can put a dangerous strain on your heart, increasing your risk of having a heart attack or stroke. For HIV Positive, its thought, meth use carries other health risks. Doctors are concerned that crystal meths interaction with HAART could result in an accidental meth overdose.

HIV positive meth users become ill more quickly than they would have otherwise, take longer to recover from infections and respond poorly to HIV treatments.

Crystal use has already had serious consequences for the US gay community and is all too rapidly spreading through the UK. It has been around for a while, but with new drugs like Viagra overcoming crystals tendency to make you temporarily impotent, despite being horny, its never been more popular. Meth users experience a feeling of exhilaration, alertness and heightened sexual desire.

US call it PNP (Party n Play), in the UK we call it chem sex, but it means the same – taking drugs to enhance 1-2-1 or group sex. Crystal meth already has the ability to disinhibit and increase sexual desire; add other drugs into the mix and invite real trouble. Crystal meth makes people horny but it also makes it difficult to get a hard on, says Dr Gavin Yamey, senior editor of US medical journal PloS Medicine. Thats why some crystal meth users also take Viagra.

Gay men mix Viagra with crystal meth, in addition to other party drugs, at circuit parties, according to a study by the federal Centers for Disease Control & Prevention. Gay men use erectile dysfunction drugs to combine with common party drugs such as crystal meth, amyl nitrates (poppers), ketamine, gamma-hydroxybutyrate or gamma-butyrolactone (GHB-GBL), and ecstasy, according to a December 2001 study by the CDC.

An HIV positive man from Edinburgh encounter with crystal meth at a sex party led to a three-day sex marathon which left him unable to sleep for five days. He finally collapsed with convulsions and fever.

Crystal smashes through the inhibition, the hurt. It makes you feel like superman. Condoms and safer sex is the last thing going through your head. It was also a ticking time bomb for which drug agencies were ill-prepared.

Teen deaths associated with drug use and nightclub events (raves) have amplified the general publics awareness to party drugs and their dangerous effects. Most medical emergencies that occur at raves are caused by heat stroke and exhaustion due to overexertion and disregard for well-being, both of which may result from drug use.

Health Risks

Overuse can bring on paranoia, short term memory loss, wild rages and mood swings as well as damage to your immune system. As far as we know, it is not physically addictive, although many have quickly developed a very strong psychological and damaging dependence for the drug.

Overdosing can lead to severe convulsions followed by circulatory and respiratory collapse, coma and death. Some people have died after taking small doses.


Keep in mind that these drugs are dangerous when combined with antidepressants or AIDS medication, or Viagra, which is used to counteract the temporary Erectile Dysfunction caused by some drugs, or when injected using contaminated needles. Combining these drugs with alcohol increases the risk for injury and death.

About the Author: Steve Clark, A Well known online publisher and has published lot of articles on Men’s Health Problems.


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E Cigarettes Vs Tobacco Dependence Study

August, 2015 byadmin

Electronic cigarettes (often referred to as “e-cigs”) have become increasingly popular over the past few years, but relatively few electronic cigarette scientific studies have been conducted to determine whether or not e-cigarettes are likely to produce a lower level of physical dependency than traditional cigarettes. A recent study spearheaded by Dr. Jonathan Foulds, Professor of Public Health Sciences at Penn State College of Medicine, has aimed to remedy this lack of publicly available scientific research by way of conducting an online survey of over 3,600 current and former smokers who now use e-cigarettes as an alternative nicotine delivery system. The study found that most current e-cigarette users actually feel “less addicted” to e-cigarettes than they did when using traditional tobacco cigarettes.

The survey indicated that although e-cigarette users may not have changed their overall amount of nicotine intake (24 tobacco cigarettes per day versus 24 e-cigarettes per day), they did experience a noticeable decrease in the amount of withdrawal symptoms that normally accompany smoking cessation, such as irritability and physical urges. Below are some other interesting data points that were mined from the study:

* E-cigarette users did not feel the need to vape right after they wake up in the morning, a sharp contrast to the typical early morning cigarette urge that most traditional tobacco users experience.

* Most e-cig users could now make it through an entire night without waking up in the middle of the night to satisfy a nicotine craving.

* Roughly two-thirds of the survey participants reported a major reduction in nicotine cravings once they switched to e-cigarettes.

* Only 25% of participants reported feeling any kind of anxiety, irritability or nervousness when they were not able to use their e-cigarette. This is a sharp contrast to the over 90% of traditional tobacco cigarette smokers who experienced these types of symptoms.

Although there has been quite a bit of speculation as to what exactly accounts for the difference in physical dependency symptoms between e-cigarettes and tobacco cigarettes, one of the most commonly accepted explanations is that e-cigarettes on average deliver less nicotine than traditional cigarettes. This is thought to help keep nicotine levels in users’ blood lower than what is typically experienced with tobacco cigarettes. The accessibility of e-cigarettes is also thought to be a factor; there is a certain amount of “craving buildup” that can happen when a person is not allowed to smoke in public facilities, which can sometimes lead to nicotine binges when they finally do get an opportunity to step outside and have a smoke. Since vaping is typically allowed in public places, users are better able to keep their nicotine cravings at bay.

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