Yoga Vs. Pilates}

Yoga vs. Pilates



Yoga and pilates have both became very popular over the last decade. You are constantly hearing about them all over the media and in magazines. The question is, are they interchangeable? Are they the same thing? The answer is NO. Both exercises utilize the mind but they are very different. The difference between yoga and pilates is both physical and philosophical. The correct choice for which is a better exercise completely depends on your goals and what you want for your body.


Yoga is an ancient Easter-based exercise approach that is dated back more than 5,000 years ago. Yoga involves integrating the body, mind and spirit. Yoga encourages individuals to seek balance in their lives. This balanced is achieved and maintained through exercise, breathing and meditation. The focus of Yoga is to keep the body strong through controlled strengthening of all muscles and stretching. A yoga exercise routine involves stationary movements, flexibility and breathing techniques to calm the mind while strengthening the body. While performing this exercise you will only need a yoga mat and sometimes bands. Yoga requires no specific workout equipment, only a mat. Yoga is a very relaxing and peaceful exercise. It is a great stress reliever! Yoga is much more relaxing and calming than Pilates.

Pilates was created in 1920’s by Joseph Pilates, who created the exercise to help World War I soldiers recover from injuries. Pilates is a Western-based approach that concentrates specifically on building the strength of the bodys core muscle group, which includes the abdominal area and muscles surrounding the spine. Pilates unlike Yoga can be done on specific pilates workout equipment or as a series of mat exercises. Pilates main goal is toning your muscles effectively and improving your core strength. It is a great exercise to improve posture and a great way to get long lean muscles. During a pilates workout routine there is not as much emphasis on flexibility as there is on toning your muscles. That is one of the major differences between yoga and pilates.

To find out which is a better exercise for you, research each exercise routine and decide what goals you have and what you would like to accomplish for your body and mind.


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